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I am sure there are plenty of us out there that are a little bit embarrassed about our smelly sports shoes. Especially if you are a triathlete, running barefoot in your trainers after cycling with soggy feet. 

Well, there are plenty of solutions out there to mask the smell. Remember those spherical fake flower smelling balls that you buy over the counter at really old & stuffy sports stores? You would have them in your trainers for a few weeks, realise it smelt like a car freshener, then chuck them in the bin wondering why you wasted your money. 

Well, here at Kit Radar we were looking for a classy solution. One that used the deodorising effects of carbon, and came across Remodeez in America.

"Remodeez are amazingly effective, fragrance-free + non-toxic so you can feel good about having them around your home + family." 

Large enough not to be lost, shaped to fit the shoes, Remodeez provide fragrance-free odour removal by activated charcoal derived coconut husks! 

So, to test if these modern odour removers work, we asked one of our ambassadors, Matthew Garrett, to conduct a review. If you want to have a look at Remodeez before the review, then please watch their official video below:


Now onto the Remodeez Review by Matthew Garrett.

These are my cycling shoes. I commute in them every day through all weathers; hot, cold, wet, dry, and this year snow. As well as this, they are also my winter road shoes due to the extra warmth that the trainer-like lining offers me. The consequence of this, of course, is that they suffer from some significant trainer-like whiffs, and as I keep them under my desk at work I was just beginning to suffer some funny looks.

Enter the Remodeez Outsmart Smell.


The Remodeez come in a nice simple package that shows off their modern and pleasing design that clearly has the fashion conscious running market in mind (given the colour scheme). They have a reassuring weight due to the fact they’re filled with charcoal and the bag can be retained to store them in while in your bag. Instructions are limited (you put them in your shoes, right?) but do explain that they can be recharged in the sun to restore them to optimum performance. Given this is the UK, I’ve not had a chance to test this yet.

Unboxing Remodeez



As I’ve mentioned, I keep my shoes under my desk at work, which was starting to attract attention. Before inserting these, a fairly strong musty smell could just about be perceived hovering around my desk. I left them in all day without much expectation but come 6pm, when they usually would still have a strong “presence”, I found that the smell had pretty much gone. I’d describe them then as essentially much odourless.

I confess I was impressed.

 Remodeez Shoe odour remover


Since my first try my commuting shoes have pretty much had either my feet or the Remodeez in them. Post ride I wouldn’t say there’s a continuing improvement in their smell, but the OutSmart Smells have reliably “reset” my shoes within the working day or overnight. Their function hasn’t significantly dwindled in the four weeks I’ve been using them, although I wouldn’t expect them to given the claim they should only need a couple of “recharges” in the sun a year. I’d like to try this and see if it recaptures the first-use magic. The closest they have come to failure is following an absolute deluge, after which my feet and shoes were sopping.

Drying them on a radiator with the Remodeez in did not seem to yield any improvement in the shoes at all, but following them being dry and using them, normal operation seemed to be restored so can only conclude they should only be used when dry.

 Remodeez Smelly Shoe Remover

Remodeez Running Shoes Deodouriser


Odour-eaters are never going to get your heart-racing and therefore I guess unlikely to spring to mind when shopping for paraphernalia around your active sport of choice. However, given the effect they’ve had on my shoes and the benefit for myself and my colleagues, I’d strongly suggest that anyone who suffers from a mild pong through to bio-hazard vapours considers these unassuming hard workers.

I’m certainly considering a second set for my trainers…

OVERALL: 9/10.

That's Matthew, good review and very "testing" conditions for the Remodeez. If you are interested in learning more about Remodeez after this review, please hed over to the product description by following the links, or purchase below.



TAGS: Cycling, Running, Gym 

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Caroline Dean
Caroline Dean

Caroline is our queen ambassador, organising all the free gifts that ambassadors receive in exchange for reviews. Caroline's passion is collecting all those half marathon medals (and annoyingly showing them off to us in the office!)

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